

Large for 6-8 players

Factory style TDM map optimzed for 4on4.

"There's a piece of us all in this sacred complex..."

Im releasing a new version of DM-Fractionary. Some tests has been done trying out some gameplay related stuff with the map. But after a certain time I decided to go back to the original version, but with some minor changes and fixes.

Everybody who downloaded the Fractionary-X version should replace it with this update.

List of changes: Some minor bugs fixed. Added some more blocking volumes. 100a platform has a different design. Link passage by 100a is bigger. Path up to top shaft from outside mad easier. Sloped walls are easier to dodge up. Some ZonePortals fixed. Playerstarts tweaked.

Finally its done! Thx to all who helped me with this project. Without the people of ::lob:: this map wouldnt be what it is. Thx Hourences for his great textures. GL HF!

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Revision History

  • v1.0
    • Released: 4/28/2005
    • Added: 5/2/2005
  • v1.0
    • Released: 4/18/2005
    • Added: 4/17/2005

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