

Game Types
Capture The Flag
Huge for 10-18 players
Play Styles

Centuries ago, twins founded the order that built this mountaintop retreat. But the order vanished and a living silence now stalks this great sanctuary. For a while, it gives way to the sounds of rebuilding and then to battle. But when the Tournament has ended and the competitors are dust the silence will live here yet.

This is by far my largest and most ambitious map yet. Lots of planning went into devising the set of static meshes and then assembling everything to fit together. There was also a bit of scripting involved to produce the unique effect should a player try to leave the bounds. Optimizing the map proved rather difficult due to its fairly open and intricate design; but I think the final product is a good compromise. I'm also rather pleased with how the buildings have both interiors and exteriors; most maps have just one or other with perhaps some facades. This map has the real thing and I think that brings it to life a bit better.

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Revision History

  • v1.01
    • Released: 3/24/2005
    • Added: 11/26/2005

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