The Legislative Palace


Medium for 4-12 players
Play Styles

The original intention of the map is to recreate the "palacio legislativo" building (the parliament) in Uruguay. The construction of this building started in 1904 under the presidence of JosÈ Batlle y OrdoÒez and it was finished in 1925. Its a neoclassical bulding and The architect was Caetano Moretti.

The current version in unfinished, or not polished, but since the amount of modding work I have is increasing while the MOH gaming comunnity is decreasing, I decided to release this beta version for everyone to test, and received some feedback to encourage me to finish it and give me some ideas of gameplay (basically) since the architecture is as you can probably check 99% done.

So go ahead and test it ;)

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Revision History

  • Test Version v1.0b
    • Released: 7/29/2009
    • Added: 12/22/2010

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