

Game Types
Capture The Flag
Medium for 6-10 players
Play Styles

The Sulphur Station is the refueling depot for the the large Sucupira deposit mining operation, which has only just recently been decommisioned. Noxious fog, fills the lungs and strains the heart. The money making enterprise of the Tournament has filled the now empty mine with the ore of slaughtered combatants - all under the silent watch of Sucupira's red moon. The map can strain FPS in spots but it plays faster online than with bots. The bots attack well but blue seems prone to routinely return on the high route while red routinely takes the low route. I initially had the bots taking the amp/100 shield as well but in my tinkering with the pathing they don't seem to like going up there anymore. I have much to learn about botpathing.:) Enjoy.

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Revision History

  • v1.0
    • Released: 3/12/2003
    • Added: 3/24/2003

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