

Game Types
Capture The Flag
Tiny for 2-8 players
Play Styles
1on1, Close Quarters

200 thousand years ago, the ancient egyptions created a war arena meant to settle arguments between pharohs. The wars were often quick, and were extremely to the point. The battles were so brutal, the great pharoh Horus could not stomache it. He could not destroy it, only hide it. And so he did, at the cost of his own life. 200 thousand years later, Syphir himself found the great fighting arena, and put it back to it's original purpose: to steal as many lives as possible.

Here's another old UT2003 map I made. It's actually a remake of a UT99 map I made. Basically, it's a small, symmetrical CTF arena suitable for 1v1 or very small teams.

Changes since v1.0:
- Added SuperShockRifles
- Fixed a misalignment in the watery caverns
- Fixed music problem.

Tags: None

Revision History

  • v1.3
    • Released: 3/2/2003
    • Added: 5/12/2009
  • v1.0
    • Released: 2/28/2003
    • Added: 5/12/2009

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