A twisted, murky pathway of fate. The Hellish Complex [THC] is the largest user-made MP map to date, at least publically published. It's chock full of darkened rooms, hallways, secrets, weapons, powerups, items, and introduces the chainsaw naturally, to MP mode, without further unnecessary modifications. There's an turkey puncher 3 online arcade room, several hidden weapons, great spots to hide in, introduces alot more spawn points, trecherous hallways, that will inevitably lead you to someone else.
You'll need to make use of all the controls, including crouching, jumping, running, and strafing.
The Hellish Complex, full of flickering lights, and no ambiance sounds to add to the interruption of total and utter deathmatch beauty.
That's right, you can hear someone walking, firing a pistol, reloading, etc . . .
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