

Game Types
Small for 2 players
Play Styles

Yet again I wanted to make a fast pased level which would be fun to play aswell as spectate. The main focus is on gameplay as allways and getting it good enough for competetive play, and I've tried to not forget all about the visuals either. Target polycount was 100 000 polys at max (DM-Sentinel = 350 000) and I've managed to stay pretty close to that so this level should run allmost as smooth as my previous map DM-1on1-Fisted-SE. All though the level is generally cramped it do contain more open areas aswell, so you need to master all weapons to get total control of all the items. Hope you like it!

-Rewamped the lighting.
-Added a bit more detail here and there.
-Removed the chandelier in the belt room.
-Removed some RL and Flak ammo.
-Fixed a lot of stuck issues in static meshes and bsp.
-Changed rotation and velocity energy when exiting the teleporter.

Tags: None

Revision History

  • v1.0
    • Released: 1/19/2008
    • Added: 1/19/2011

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